COVID-19 Vaccination Locations in Chicago

Sophia Rodriguez
2 min readMar 9, 2021



COVID-19 has changed the way we view everyday life, and has caused us to take the necessary precautions in keeping our families and our nation safe. In the map above, we are given the different COVID-19 vaccination locations in Chicago, Illinois. This is relevant to our current times because we as a city and world, are working towards distributing the vaccines to lower the cases of COVID. So it is necessary that we make the vaccine available for all incomes, ethnicities, and neighborhoods. From the already distributed COVID vaccinations, we have seen a positive decrease in the number of reported cases.

According to the Chicago COVID Dashboard, recently Chicago has been doing an exceptional job at lowering the positivity rate and numbers of COVID cases. The screen shot taken below, shows the results of COVID over time in Chicago from 03/10/2020 through 03/08/2020. We can see that the positivity rate has continued to decrease and now stands at 2.8%, while the number of daily cases continues to also decrease every week and now stands at 274 cases.


It is important for us to compare these results to the amount of available vaccine locations. This is because the availability of the vaccine provides all individuals with the same equal opportunity in receiving the vaccine. It is predicted that the more vaccines become available, the numbers in cases, deaths and tests will continue to decrease. As pictured in the screenshot below, Chicago stands in phase 1B. This means that all healthcare workers have received the vaccine and now frontline essential workers and elders over 65 years and older can receive the vaccine. We have phase 1C left, before we can provide the vaccine to all Chicagoans. Phase 1C is where all other essential workers and Chicagoans within the age of 16–64 years, with underlying health conditions can receive the vaccine in this phase. If Chicago continues to increase the number of available vaccines and locations, it will continue to see a positive change towards reopening and fighting COVID.

